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Subject: Re: [ubl-hisc] Proposed XPath information instance

Hi Ken,

I lost track of something, somewhere. In the previous message, you had a 
non-XML syntax like this:

2     /po:Order/po:BuyersID
2.1 ? /po:Order/po:BuyersID/@identificationSchemeAgencyID
2.2 ? /po:Order/po:BuyersID/@identificationSchemeAgencyName

If I go Pythonic, I could easily use something like that, though it 
would be nice if it were more tokenizer friendly -- namely if there were 
3 space-separated tokens guaranteed on each line, particularly for 
1-and-only-1, so maybe

2   .   /po:Order/po:BuyersID
2.1 ? /po:Order/po:BuyersID/@identificationSchemeAgencyID
2.2 ? /po:Order/po:BuyersID/@identificationSchemeAgencyName

>> ACTION: please offer your opinion if I should leave text and HTML 
>> files the way they are already, without cardinality, and just leave 
>> cardinality in these new XPath files ... or should I add the visual 
>> indication of cardinality into the text and HTML files?
OK, now I get it.

> I'm leaning towards "yes" on the above action.

Leaning yes towards leaving html/txt alone? Or leading toward modifying 
them? (sorry, I'm extra dense today)

Since I don't know what kinds of problems I'll be facing, it feels like 
Python would be a faster tool than XSLT. XSLT, though, would probably 
transfer to another developer better. Maybe.

If it doesn't heap lots of extra work on you, could you provide both the 
text format and the XML format discussed below? It might be the case as 
we proceed that we realize that one or the other isn't needed, but for 
now flexibility would be good.

> So I'm leaning towards changing the vocabulary names to be more 
> verbose.  What do you think?

Yes, please. At least 2 or 3-letter names. :)

> Next ... what to call these "detail" files.

Is there a reason to stick to three-letter extensions? (honestly curious)

I suggest Order.txt, Order.html, Order.xml, and maybe Order.xpath 
Whatever works.

1. In the below, I initially confused empty <t/> with type. Longer names 

2. Would it make sense to merge minOccurs/maxOccurs into 'occurs', like 
in examplotron? (*,+,.,-)

3. How far is this from RelaxNG? :)

> Z:\data\KenData\dev\xsd\UBL-1.0-SBS-0.5>head -50 xpaths\Order-xpath.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
> <!--
> Vocabulary: all names are one character in an effort to keep file size 
> small
> Attributes: p = prefix              Elements: e = element
>             i = URI string                    a = attribute
>             n = name                          t = text
>             t = type
>             m = minOccurs
>             x = maxOccurs
>             u = use (values: "o"="optional";"r"="required")
> -->
> <e n="Order" t="OrderType" p="po" 
> i="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Order-1.0" m="1" x="1">
>    <e n="BuyersID" t="udt:IdentifierType" p="po" m="0" x="1">
>       <a n="identificationSchemeAgencyID" u="o" 
> t="xsd:normalizedString"/>
>       <a n="identificationSchemeAgencyName" u="o" t="xsd:string"/> ...


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