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Subject: Re: UBL L10N (Pacific) coordination call 8|9 March 2004

Attending today's UBL localization coordination call were:

   Jon Bosak
   William Chan
   Chin Chee-kai
   Anne Hendry
   Noboru Itoh
   Jason Lee
   Tim McGrath
   Bill Meadows
   Yukinori Saito
   Patrick Yee

1. We reviewed the calendar.  (To see the calendar, go to the UBL
   TC page, click on the Liaison SC link, then go to documents.)
   Mr. Saito reported that he will be giving a presentation to the
   XML Consortium in Tokyo on 15 March that will include about 20
   minutes on UBL and ebXML.

2. I noted that OASIS will provide training in use of the kavi
   interface through which we manage the SC pages and mailing
   lists.  People needing kavi training should contact Jamie Clark
   of OASIS (jamie.clark@oasis-open.org) to arrange for a training

3. We reviewed the 1.0 delivery schedule.  Version 1.0 is
   scheduled for completion at the end of April.  This means that
   we will begin planning for UBL 1.1 at the meeting in Hong Kong
   10-14 May.  Localization will be one of our main items of
   discussion at that meeting.

4. We discussed how best to use the time between now and the
   meeting in Hong Kong.  I suggested the following plan:

    - The first order of business is to arrange for kavi training
      and to then set up SC web pages and mailing lists using the
      character set that each SC intends to employ in the work of

      For an example of an SC web page, see


      For an example of a test of the mail list, see


    - When the web page and mailing lists have been tested, the
      SCs should begin the work of translation by translating the
      definitions and names in the data model spreadsheets.

    - It is understood that we will need to define a controlled
      vocabulary in order to complete the translations.  My
      suggestion is that we work with the spreadsheets for the
      next two months and then decide how to create the controlled
      vocabulary when we meet in Hong Kong, taking an initial
      controlled vocabulary from UN/CEFACT TBG17 as input.  This
      suggestion needs to be discussed in the l10n SCs.

    - All questions and answers regarding either content or
      methodology should be posted to the ubl-l10n list in order
      to create an archive that will also serve for future
      localization SCs, for example the Spanish Localization SC
      now forming.

5. Our next Pacific localization call will take place Monday
   5 April 2004 at 16h30 California time.  This is:

      16h30 Mon 5 April in California
      08h30 Tue 6 April in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Perth
      09h30 Tue 6 April in Tokyo and Seoul

Jon Bosak

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