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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Agenda for 23 October 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting

Agenda for 23 October 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting

PLEASE NOTE: Eve has discovered that she can't attend this meeting.  Can 
Mavis or another person serve as a chair pro tem?  (Eduardo, please use 
the host code.)

The NDR SC will meet by phone on Wednesday, 23 October 2002:


Please use the following dial-in information:

      Toll-free (from the U.S.)         +1 888 422 7141
      International access/caller-paid  +1 334 832 4208
      Participant code                  242-630

1. Roll call
    (Michael G., Jessica, Mark, Eve regrets)

2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meeting

     16 October 2002
     corrected in this post:

3. Adoption of agenda

4. Review action items and status

    PLEASE NOTE: Try to send a status update to the list before the
    meeting, so that this agenda item can go more quickly.

    - Do an analysis of the "XML Constructs" chapter to figure out the
      XML/XSD-specificity question at a finer granularity, and make any
      editorial suggestions based on the analysis.

    - Turn the free normative text in the NDR document into isolated,
      numbered rules.

    Mavis and Bill:
    - Get together offline to move the appropriate modnamver paper
      content into the NDR document.  40% Complete. ECD 22 October.

    - Compile a list of the supplementary compenents and their
      definitions on a per-CCT basis. 30% Complete. ECD 23 October.
    - Ask the Sun XML community to analyze the seriousness of the
      fragment processing problem with local elements.

     (See minutes of last meeting for details)

5. Local vs. global details

    See Eve's XML 2002 paper for a proposal for how to turn the
    decision into perl script actions:

    Relevant passage is:

     *  Object classes (aggregate BIEs) are turned into complex type
        definitions and element declarations that are directly bound
        to these types.
     * Properties (association and basic BIEs) are turned into element
       references in the content models of the object class complex
       types. If a suitable element declaration was not already created
       above, it is created now. (There may be multiple elements with
       the same type but different names.)
     * The properties are bound to types indicated by the relevant
       representation terms. Where a representation term corresponds
       to one of the prescribed CCTs, its corresponding XSD type is
       used. Where a representation term corresponds to an object class
       (aggregate BIE), that complex type is used instead.
     * A combination of the definition of the generic
       element-as-object-class (the original declaration, associated
       with a type) and the specific
       element-as-property-of-a-higher-object-class (the reference in
       a content model) provides a complete view of the meaning.

    What are the gotchas in this?  Can Gunther use this as is, and
    let us know of issues?  This probably affects assembly since it
    creates elements and attaches BIE definitions that can be referenced
    by assemblers of new message types.

6. Take tentative decision on containership

    - Review writeup in the 1-4 October minutes
    - Does anything need to be added to the NDR document?

7. Work through other NDR document "flesh out" issues

8. Next meeting topics
    October 30 (Eve regrets; Mark will cover; can Mark do agenda?)
    November 6
    November 13

8. Adjourn

Eve Maler                                        +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems                     NEW!!! cell +1 781 354 9441
Web Technologies and Standards               eve.maler @ sun.com

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