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Subject: Re: PAC: Schedule and AIs for this cycle

At 00/03/30 10:05 -0800, you wrote:
>1. Review the draft of CS 2.  This was to have been offered at the
>    meeting for formal amendment and resolution today.
>       http://www.xml.org/archives/workprocess/msg00127.html

Does committee membership require voting membership (i.e. are there 
non-voting members of the committee)?  Are all non-voters considered 
outsiders?  Does OASIS membership distinguish outsiders (observers?)?

Does maillist participation (posting) require voting committee membership, 
non-voting committee membership, OASIS membership, or is it public?  The 
maintenance of the maillist I assume requires posters to be registered by 
someone in the committee so as to not accept postings from just anyone ... 
but what if they ask to be able to post?

I don't think I can see anything more (I wrote up and then deleted a 
comment about termination that I now see).

>2. Offer friendly amendments to the draft by posting to the
>    workprocess list.  (I can see mail on the list, I just can't
>    post to it at the moment.)  As editor of the draft, I will
>    modify it according to my best judgement.  Note that formal
>    amendments are not possible at this stage.  This will work (if
>    it does) only because we have already made all of the basic
>    decisions and I have succeeded in properly expressing those
>    decisions.

Only perhaps a clarification of membership vis-a-vis voting ability ... 
unless that is a presumption on my part that others may not make.

>3. This weekend I will submit the revised draft to you as a formal
>    resolution to be determined by mail ballot.  You will have two
>    business days to return your ballot (i.e., until Tuesday
>    night).  Notice again that this process does not allow formal
>    amendments.

I don't yet qualify to vote, but if I could receive a copy of the ballot to 
give me a preview (it would help with my embryonic XSLT TC as well) I would 
appreciate it.

>4. In the meantime, review my questions on CS 3-5:
>       http://www.xml.org/archives/workprocess/msg00126.html
>    Terry has already responded to these.  Please respond in like
>    manner no later than this weekend.

CS-3: But wouldn't a delegate system allow 1 vote for an individual and 1 
vote for a sponsor?

I perceive a distinction from those doing the work not voting and those 
doing the work and voting ... perhaps I am missing something ... can a 
company not send 5 people to do the work but still have only one vote?

CS-4: Shall we limit the default right of a TC to exclude OASIS members 
from its F2F meetings?

No ... need there be a default?  If so, I feel OASIS members should be 
allowed to attend and non-members not allowed to attend, but that the chair 
could have anyone attend (even though those who vote don't change).

Is "a TC meeting" well defined?  If meetings are closed, I would like to 
have "gatherings" (for lack of a better word right now) at conferences 
where the table is open for people to air their thoughts and ask their 
questions ... but even if it were a sanctioned meeting (with appropriate 
notices and quorum) when it comes down to voting, even if OASIS or public 
observers are in the room (though they could rightly be asked to leave), it 
is only the voting members who actually vote.  Need voting members meet or 
vote in camera?

CS-5: I agree.

G. Ken Holman                    mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
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