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Subject: Re: Delicate subject: changing the attendance requirements

Eve --

I don't recall anything that says a TC can change such rules, and I 
do recall a discussion about how much protection for the Chair some 
unchangeable rules were (such as those on membership termination). 
Because the TC can't change these rules the chair is not under 
pressure from members to bend the rules for this member or that.

It seems to me that if a TC can change a rule this basic it could 
also change the rules about allowing anyone to join, making the 
process open, and anything else.  This seems like a bad idea to me, 
and I don't think the by-lays allow it.

Perhaps your TC should be organized as a bunch of TCs (one for each 
current subcommittee) and a Joint Committee.  Then the membership 
requirements would be for each of the smaller groups and for a few 
people to be on the JC.

-- Tommie

>My TC is huge (nearly 80 people), and a lot of the work is getting done at
>subcommittee meetings.  I'd like to find a way to ease the good-standing
>penalties on members who are very active on subgroups, and who occasionally
>can't make the whole-TC meetings because they're traveling or
>whatever.  However, I don't want to endanger quorum at the whole-TC meetings.
>As I understand it, the TC can adopt a standing rule that overrides the
>OASIS rules (and RROR), though the requirements for passage of such motion
>are slightly higher than for regular motions; adopting a rule easing
>attendance requirements would fall into this category.  Do people think
>it's a good idea to mess with the attendance requirements at all?
>If so, what might be a suitably mild revision?  I'm thinking merely of a
>small revision to paragraph 6(a).  It currently reads:
>"A member shall be warned by mail from the chair of the TC upon failure to
>attend two out of every three successive meetings of the TC. Membership
>shall be terminated if the member fails to attend the next meeting
>following transmittal of the warning."
>It could read:
>"A member shall be warned by mail from the chair of the TC upon failure to
>attend two out of every three successive meetings of the TC. If the member
>has not attended two out of three meetings of the subcommittees on which
>the member sits, or if the member does not sit on any subcommittees,
>membership shall be terminated if the member fails to attend the next
>committee meeting following transmittal of the warning.  If the member sits
>on one or more subcommittees and has attended two out of three meetings of
>those subcommittees, membership shall be terminated if the member fails to
>attend one of the next two committee meetings following transmittal of the
>What say you all?
>	Eve
>Eve Maler                                          +1 781 442 3190
>Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center    eve.maler @ east.sun.com
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B. Tommie Usdin                        mailto:btusdin@mulberrytech.com
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