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Subject: DRAFT MINUTES - 07 March 2013 - WS-BRSP TC Meeting

07 March 2013, 12:00pm

Scribe: Gershon Janssen

0. Call to Order and roll call
Jacques Durand calls the meeting to order and welcomes everyone.

* Roll call:
Jacques Durand 
Gershon Janssen 
Alessio Soldano 
Doug Davis
Tom Link (Observer)

4 voting members present; this meeting quorates.

Additional item added to the agenda: Request from Europe on test tooling.

Agenda adopted.

1. Administrative

(a) minutes Jan 31 meeting and Nov 15 
* Minutes Nov 15 meeting
Minutes approved by unanimous consent.

* Minutes Jan 31 meeting
Minutes approved by unanimous consent.

(b) open seat on the WS-I SC
The December 2012 WS-I Member Section Steering Committee election resulted in one seat remaining open. The Steering Committee choose to open a special election to fill this seat. All who are interested are encouraged to submit their nominations to nominations@oasis-open.org by 11 March 2013. 
See email message: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ws-brsp/201302/msg00003.html 

(c) better advertisement of the "feedback process" on our page
Jacques made modifications to the page; it's online for review: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=ws-brsp#feedback
The feedback process changed a little bit as posted on the page.

Gershon moved to approve the change; Micah seconded. Motion passed.

2. Specification drafts: Review the 3 initial drafts (of BP1.2, BP2.0, RSP 1.0)
See: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ws-brsp/email/archives/201301/msg00013.html
Drafts are uploaded in our Kavi space (e.g. BP1.2: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ws-brsp/document.php?document_id=47973 ).

What remains to be done (test assertions XML files, BSP11).

Goal is to have a CSD for approval before our next meeting. We do need to add the conformance clauses (par 2.4)

The conversion of documents worked out pretty well; most of formatting was retained during the process.

BSP1.1 does not have test assertions like the other profiles.

3. Test tools code management
See the "outsourcing option" outlined in Jacques' email 2/21: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ws-brsp/201302/msg00002.html

Elements to discuss:
- the test tools code may be donated by original contributing companies to a 3rd party project/hosting (e.g. GitHub), independently from OASIS, and licensed accordingly. 
- BRSP TC is focusing primarily on the specs and their progression, 
- the TC will make statements about how to test the profiles it produces and "recommend" the appropriate version of the -externally hosted- test tools. 

Discussed was:
- Everybody should be able to contribute, and we could expect this to happen.
- TC won't own the tools; TC owns the profiles.
- To donate the tools, original contributing companies need to sign off on actually wanting to do this.
- Various types of code: analyzer, logger, http-trace in languages C#, Java, Python, mostly contributed by Microsoft, IBM and Futjitsu
- Licensing for contributions need to be determined
- We are not asking people to upload code, but permission to upload the already available code
- It was suggested to use github and license under Apache v2.0
- In previous discussions it was mentioned to not go for Open Source, but just freely available

4. Request from Europe on test tooling
See: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ws-brsp/201303/msg00008.html
- User wanting the source to intergrate in tooling.
- Comments on the proposal are very welcome; outline is there; details need to be nailed down

5.  Adjourn
Next meeting: options to be discussed on the list.

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