Thank you very much, Keith.
Is Rob in a faraway place? :)
From: Keith Wall <>
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 12:41 PM
To: Clemens Vasters <>
Cc: Rob Godfrey <>, AMQP TC <>
Subject: Re: [amqp] AMQP roadmap blog post
Hi Clemens,
Nice write up. It helps to see how the separate stands of work fit together and this post does that well.
Hi Rob, Hi AMQP TC,
Iâve put together a draft for a blog post about the AMQP Roadmap based on the current specification backlog. Itâs a brief history of how we got here and then explains the major
specs in the backlog in context.
Feedback will be very welcome; if someone thinks the content is madness please raise an objection. I might just put this up on my blog and LinkedIn, and it might also make a good
initial post for the planned new site.!AgcBsXoqzTwSreV2HXMfcuZdoOylcA
Thank you
Clemens Vasters
Messaging Platform Architect
Microsoft Azure
Ã+49 151 44063557
European Microsoft Innovation Center GmbH | GewÃrzmÃhlstrasse 11 | 80539 Munich| Germany
GeschÃftsfÃhrer/General Managers: Keith Dolliver, Benjamin O. Orndorff
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