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Subject: Altova Releases New Tools for XML Development In Latest XML Spy B eta.

For Immediate Release 

Altova Releases New Tools for XML Development In Latest XML Spy Beta. 

Providing Enhanced Tools for XML Development, Altova Releases a Public Beta
for XML Spy 4.0. Giving Developers and End-Users a Glimpse of the Complete
XML Spy Product Line.

BEVERLY, MA - July 24, 2001 -Altova (www.xmlspy.com) today announced a
public beta of XML Spy 4.0, the new product line built on the success of
prior XML Spy products. This is the second beta released by Altova, which is
leading to the final release of the most comprehensive XML development
software on the market, XML Spy 4.0.

The new 4.0 product line now includes the XML Spy 4.0 Document Framework - a
revolutionary solution for all document or content editing applications that
is based on a combination of XML Schema and XSLT Stylesheets. This provides
the customer with a highly user-friendly interface - very much like a
typical word processor - that allows for true XML content editing and
creation. The framework consists of:

The XML Spy 4.0 Document Editor, supporting free-flow WYSIWYG text editing,
form-based data input, and many other enhanced features.  The Document
Editor is available as a stand-alone application, integrated as a separate
view within the XML Spy IDE user-interface if you purchase the XML Spy Suite
product or as our NEW Browser Plug-In for Internet Explorer, which
dramatically eases deployment in the corporate enterprise environment.

The new product also includes the XML Spy 4.0 XSLT Designer, which is a
graphical Stylesheet creation tool that enables the customization of the
document editor by defining an XSLT Stylesheet and more features to aide in
the content creation or editing process.

For the current 4.0 Beta 2 release, all components of the 4.0 product line
are available for public testing. To get a live demonstration of the new
Browser Plug-In, users can visit http://plugin.xmlspy.com; this will require
Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0.

Version 4.0 will be the first complete solution for XML Schema driven
document and content editing for both developers and end-users in virtually
all environments. The new version implements the new W3C XML Schema
recommendations and will include the IDE, a Document Framework, Schema/DTD
Designer and an XSLT Designer, which will offer users a much friendlier
platform for development.  

XML Spy 4.0 Beta Availability
Beta Testing is open to the public. Download the trial version of XML Spy
4.0 beta today at www.xmlspy.com; final version release is scheduled for
this summer, fees are applicable for licensed user versions. 

About Altova

Altova is a leading provider of XML software solutions with offices in
Beverly, MA and headquarters in Vienna, Austria. The privately held company
was founded in 1992 and has been actively involved in the XML market from
the early conception of Extensible Markup Language. Altova's XML Spy is the
leading choice of Fortune 500 and Global 1000 companies. Altova's XML Spy
product line is the best-selling XML tools suite for the Windows platform
and has won numerous awards. Altova is a member of the W3C and OASIS.

Altova and XML Spy are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Altova
GmbH and Altova, Inc. in the United States.
The names of and reference to companies and products mentioned herein may be
the trademarks of their respective owners.

For more information, press only: 

United States -- Marc DeNofio, 978.927.9400 x12, denofio@altova.com

Europe - Tina Eisinger, +43 (1) 545 5155 22, eisinger@altova.com

For more information, sales only:

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