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Subject: SMP and CPP
- From: "Pim van der Eijk" <>
- To: <>
- Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 17:53:04 +0200
To follow up
the presentations of some time ago, here is some information on the SML/SMP
concept and the ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP)
employer developed precursors of CPP/CPA and submitted these concepts to
OASIS during the ebXML project.
(There is a
newer version 3.0 in progress, which has many potentially relevant
extensions, but it is still in draft).
First of all
similarities: there is very much overlap:
party info,
services, business processes, messages exchanged, schemas of those
messages, endpoints and protocols supported.
There are some
1) SMP has metadata
for a particular document type that a partner can receive, in the context
of specific business processes.
A CPP defines which messages a
partner can receive or send, in one or more specific business processes,
and associated business documents or composites.
2) In a CPP, the nesting hierachy is PartyInfo > CollaborationRole
> ServiceBinding > (CanSend | CanReceive) > Channel > Packaging,
Endpoint information etc.
In SMP the
hierarchy seems to be Party > Document > ServiceInformation >
Process > Endpoint.
CPP seems to be a
bit more service-oriented (you interact with a service by invoking actions
on it), whereas SMP is more resource-oriented (where somehow the resources
are documents), but the differences are minor. It may even be possible to
write an XSLT that transforms an SMP to a CPP or the other way round ..
Below is a visual
representation of the version 2.0 CollaborationProtocolProfile XML scheme
element, and attached is a(n ancient) example
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