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Subject: RE: [chairs] Chairs: Requesting your feedback on comment resolution logs



I’ve managed perfectly well with a simple spreadsheet over the many years of being a TC chair and I have never found the need for over-kill through the use of a more formal control system like JIRA.  So I would be happy to use a standardized spreadsheet and a set of procedures around its consistent use and disposition of comments.


Keep it simple in other words!





From: Peter F Brown [mailto:peter@peterfbrown.com]
Sent: 24 April 2012 23:27
To: Chet Ensign; chairs@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: OASIS TAB; Scott McGrath; Jamie Clark
Subject: RE: [chairs] Chairs: Requesting your feedback on comment resolution logs


I think the combination of availability of JIRA, for those who want to use it, and a good spreadsheet template, for those who don't / can't, would be very helpful.
I'd be happy to contribute some templates that I've used over the years....

Peter F Brown
Independent Consultant
+1 310 694 2278 (USA)
+44 7913 046 997 (UK)
+32 472 027 811 (Rest of Europe)
Twitter @PensivePeter

Sent from my phone - Apologies for brevity and typos: it's hard writing on a moving planet

From: Chet Ensign
Sent: 24-Apr-12 15:21
To: chairs@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: OASIS TAB; Scott McGrath; Jamie Clark
Subject: [chairs] Chairs: Requesting your feedback on comment resolution logs

TC Chairs,

Recently, I have had several discussions with people on comment
resolution logs. As I'm sure you know from the TC Process, TCs are
required to maintain logs of comments received and their resolution
and provide them at several different points throughout the process.
Specifically, in section 3.2 Public Review of a Committee Draft
the process reads:

"The TC must acknowledge the receipt of each comment, track the
comments received, and post to its primary e-mail list its disposition
of each comment at the end of the review period."

Our growing liaisons with other standards bodies is making getting
this right even more important.

I believe it is becoming more and more important that we accomplish
both the letter and the spirit of this requirement in order to make it
easier for commenters to learn of the disposition of their feedback,
for reviewers to learn what has happened between one public review and
the next, and for voters to get a full picture of the history of a
Committee Specification when it is advanced as a Candidate OASIS

I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on how best to accomplish
this, how best to provide you with the flexibility you need while
ensuring that the record of comments and resolutions is maintained and
made available over time. For example,

- Some TCs are using JIRA successfully to track, manage and report on
comments. Would training in using JIRA for this process be useful?

- Some TCs are using spread sheets to track and report on feedback.
Would template spread sheets help you adopt this approach?

- Would a document on best practices help you and your TC put a
mechanism in place to successfully track and report on comments.

Please take a minute to share your thoughts with me on how we can make
this work conveniently and securely. I want to gather the fruits of
your experience and thoughts, as well as the feedback from your TC,
before making any proposals for next steps.

I look forward to hearing from you and meanwhile, thank you for all
the work that you do here at OASIS.

Best regards,

Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

Primary: +1 973-996-2298
Mobile: +1 201-341-1393

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