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Subject: FW: CIQ and CPE collaboration

FYI. I will liaise with Linda and try to set up this 
meeting with CPExchange and will post the date and time of



-----Original Message-----
From: Karl F. Best [mailto:karl.best@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Friday, 5 October 2001 12:10 AM
To: Ram Kumar
Cc: linda@laburman.com; Karl
Subject: CIQ and CPE collaboration


I just spoke with Linda Burman; she's very excited about the idea of CIQ
and CPE working together. Here's what we have agreed should happen for

- The two groups should plan on having a joint meeting in Orlando,
separate from their respective committee meetings. If you and Linda can
decide on a day/time we can work with IDEAllinace to come up with a

- Members of each group should subscribe to the other's public mail
list. Each group has a private, members-only list and a public comment
list; joint discussions can occur on the public lists. (Or, I see
nothing wrong with OASIS setting up a second public list for the purpose
of joint discussions; would that help?)

There's other things that we could do further in the future to bring the
groups closer together, but let's start with these items for now.

Agenda for the meeting and early discussions could be
- how do the work topics of the two groups overlap? are there topics
that are obviously separate, where we can agree not to duplicate the
others' work?
- what topics need to be worked on together?
- who (people) can act as liaisons between the groups, preferably as
members of both groups?

Karl F. Best
OASIS - Director, Technical Operations
978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

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