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Subject: Attending Remotely


a few thoughts about how remote participation worked for me yesterday 
(morning sessions):

- It helps a lot if speakers just state their name before talking; at 
least when entering a discussion (I can detect most people I know from 
JCR, such the Davids and Al, but that's it).

- Understandability varied, based on volume, distance to microphone (?), 
and speed (ahem :-).

- It's good to have the Live Meeting Desktop giving an indication what's 
going on. If it's not used, please consider putting the Q&A window on 
the screen so remote participants can attract attention (without having 
to interrupt the discussion)

- In IETF meetings, we usually let the scribe type directly into a chat 
service (which is logged); this helps a lot, both in making the minutes 
accurate (because people can help while the notes are taken), and in 
understanding what's going on -- I guess it's too late to try this for 
this meeting, though, unless there's something in the Live Meeting 
software we can use (being in Redmond, somebody should be able to tell :-).

Looking forward to today's sessions...

BR, Julian

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