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Subject: Groups - Feature Overview: Domain and topic integration (domain_and_topic_integration_v0_2.pdf) uploaded

Hello everyone,

Please find an first draft of the article on Feature #12010: Domain and
topic integration. The document has been reviewed by Eliot Kimber and he
was so kind to provide me with some valuable improvements. I hope that you
find the article readable after all specializations are not the easiest
thing for adopters to grasp. Please send me any comments you have.

Thanks, Marc

 -- M.Y. Speyer

The document named Feature Overview: Domain and topic integration
(domain_and_topic_integration_v0_2.pdf) has been submitted by M.Y. Speyer
to the OASIS DITA Adoption TC document repository.

Document Description:
In DITA 1.2 the integration of domains and topics has been unified to
improve design flexibility and to simplify the DITA specialization
constructs. By relaxing the restriction from what modules may inherit from,
vocabulary elements can now be shared between different kinds of modules.

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-OASIS Open Administration

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