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Subject: Re: [dita-comment] can we allow <ditavalref> at the top level of a <bookmap>?

Any topicref (that doesn't remove or limit the value of the @format attribute) can be made into a mapref by setting the @format value to "ditamap" and actually referencing a map document.

Thus it has always been possible to make a mapref to a bookmap. It has also always been possible to use specific subtrees of a map by reference.

Note that the original Bookmap design does not provide separate map types specifically for enabling clean map references, for example, a separate map type that can only include <chapter>. However, there's nothing that prevents someone from defining such map types using the bookmap structural type as a base (using DITA 1.3's new ability to treat any structural type as though it was a domain for the purpose of using selected element types from the structural type in a new structural type).



Eliot Kimber

ïOn 6/22/20, 8:18 AM, "Chris Papademetrious" <Christopher.Papademetrious@synopsys.com> wrote:

    Hi Eric, Kris,
    Outstanding, thank you!
    In a related question, do you know if thereâs a way to pull an entire bookmap into another bookmap, chapter structure and all? For example, Iâd like to do something like
    <mapref href="product_A_B_shared.ditamap"/>  <!-- ??? -->
    <mapref href="product_A_B_shared.ditamap"/>  <!-- ??? -->
    where product_A_B_shared.ditamap contains the entire bookmap structure (chapters, frontmatter, backmatter, glossary, etc.) Iâd like to reference that entire shared bookmap structure, but with the DITAVAL conditions applied from a wrapper
     map. But I donât see a âreference map in-placeâ element in the <bookmap> schema.
    Our company has a number of similar-but-different books where the entire bookmap structure must be shared (to retain familiarity for customers transitioning between products).
    Eventually I believe Oxygenâs support for DITA-OT project file contexts will enable this, but weâre waiting for some fixes. In the meantime, if thereâs a way to reference bookmaps in their entirety from wrapper bookmaps (or maps??), this
     might provide an alternate solution.
    Thanks again,
    From: Kristen James Eberlein <kris@eberleinconsulting.com>
    Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2020 11:22 AM
    To: dita-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: Re: [dita-comment] can we allow <ditavalref> at the top level of a <bookmap>?
    Hi, Chris.
    This will happen in DITA 2.0. It's approved and implemented.
    Kristen James Eberlein
    Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
    OASIS Distinguished Contributor
    Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting LLC
    www.eberleinconsulting.com <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.eberleinconsulting.com__;!!A4F2R9G_pg!IVrMiXBBqcdAqgEW0n910Me9zmvENju34sGiRAE9RGtkQkgbHfbKFpqGCtkIDCD0dIk8DPfPEBDHC9c$>
    +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype)
    On 6/20/2020 11:00 PM, Chris Papademetrious wrote:
    Hello all,
    The <map> element allows a DITAVAL file to be intrinsically associated with the entirety of the map:
      <ditavalref href=âââ/>
    However, a <bookmap> does not allow <ditavalref> at the top level. It allows it within the various children (<frontmatter>, <chapter>, <appendix>, etc.) but thatâs not the same thing.
    A top-level <ditavalref> would allow us to intrinsically push a @product value down through the map, which would be useful because our bookmaps reference product-conditional topics. Iâm aware we could assign <ditavalref> on <bookmap> children/descendants,
     or that we could use an external DITA-OT project file to make the association, but neither of these are a substitute for setting the @product value for the entire <bookmap> itself.
    Can we please allow <ditaval> at the top level of a <bookmap>, the same as it is already allowed at the top level of a <map>?
    Chris Papademetrious
    Tech Writer, Implementation Group
    (610) 628-9718 home office
    (570) 460-6078 cell
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