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Subject: RE: [dita] Behavior of <q> element

Hi Paul,

I accept your view. I think we should provide a suggested behavior,
particularly in this case where authors may or may not type the
quotation marks themselves. I agree we should not say it MUST do this --
but many readers of the spec have asked for suggested processing
behavior, because they simply don't know any better. So I'm OK writing
this as a suggested, or sample, processing scenario.


-----Original Message-----
From: Grosso, Paul [mailto:pgrosso@ptc.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 5:59 PM
To: dita
Subject: RE: [dita] Behavior of <q> element

I'd rather not say this.  It's a style question that may differ from one
house to another as to whether they want to author the quotes or not
and/or how the quote is to be presented.

The determination of what text may be generated for a given element in a
given context and/or what other formatting it gets for a given output
(e.g., one may format things differently for PDF output and HTML
output) should be left to the style specification, however such is
provided to a given composition system.
This is outside the scope of the DITA specification.

So the answer to how <q> should be processed is that it should be
processed however its style specification indicates for a given


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert D Anderson [mailto:robander@us.ibm.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, 2009 January 06 9:44
> To: dita
> Subject: [dita] Behavior of <q> element
> Hello,
> Going through the review comments to the specification, I found that 
> somebody asked for examples of how <q> should be processed.
> Generally, we
> try to stay away from processing behaviors, but this one may be an 
> exception. The current description gives no suggestions as to whether 
> or not quotes should be generated. I checked the HTML 4.01 
> specification to see what they say; that specification says that q 
> must be rendered with quotations, and that users should not add their 
> own quotes.
> It goes on to
> say that the quotes should be rendered in a language-sensitive manner.

> See the section on rendering quotations:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/text.html#edef-Q
> Should we make a similar statement? I do not want to add behaviors 
> that MUST be done without consulting the full TC, so - this is my 
> consultation.

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