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Subject: Groups - DITA TC meeting, 3 February 2009 (DITA_TC_meeting_02032009.txt) uploaded

      OASIS DITA Technical Committee Minutes
                Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Minutes recorded by Kristen James Eberlein.

Quorum is present.

* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200901/msg00043.html
 Motion made to approve minutes; seconded by Chris Kravogel; approved by

No reports.

4. New ITEM: Gershon to discuss web collaboration tools
Cisco has volunteered to offer a WebEx conference so that we can better
deal with this spreadsheet.
Action: Gershon will arrange a recurring WebEX conference and send
information to the TC.

5. New ITEM: review Master Topic List
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200901/msg00030.html
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200901/msg00042.html
Gershon will act as project manager about this item for the next few weeks.
He has uploaded a new version of the spreadsheet, which now includes the
DITA 1.2 outline. He also has received e-mail from Michael Priestley about
changes that Michael and Jeff Ogden had discussed; he has not yet
incorporated that material.

Michael Priestley asked that a DITA map be developed in tandem with the
spreadsheet to facilitate development of the architectural spec. He also
pointed out that we will need to develop DITA maps for each of the
documents that will be bundled in specific packages.

JoAnn asked if the committee should review some of the topics that are
currently marked as requiring major changes.  There was a general consensus
that this would be time consuming but valuable.

The spreadsheet that Gershon will have available next week will be a
starting part for people to volunteer to work on certain topics or groups
of topics.

JoAnn asked what the plan would be for tracking status of documents that
subcommittees will be delivering. Don Day indicated that he thought that
was a project management task for Gershon.

Michael P. asked whether the decisions made about packaging are reflected
in the Language Specification. For the conceptual material, should we have
a consolidated version? Or mini documents for each package? Michael
suggested that each package have an "About the spec" topic.

JoAnn asked whether we would removing core topics about CTR from all but
the Tech Comm package; she thought this might be a usability problem.

Michael commented that CTR is not essential to DITA. People are adopting
DITA and not using CTR; they are specializations. Goal is to make it easier
for people adopting a specific specialization to not be overwhelmed with
material for other specializations that they are not using.

JoAnn commented that the Adoption Committee needed to look at the issue of
how to keep people from being scared off, whether by one large book or 18
small ones.

Michael commented that we want to make it easy for people to create
light-weight topics and DITA applications. Don't want to make the entry
cost too high. The base package is  core DITA, which is topic + map.

Action: Gershon to ping chairs of subcommittees (Machine Industry and
Learning and Training) and ask them to keep him informed about the status
of their deliverables.
Action: Robert Anderson to send an e-mail to list about the different DITA
maps for the different packages.

6. ITEM: DITA 1.2 Specification Review Assignments
Don asked whether this should be tabled until after we have a new draft.
Gershon asked that this be left open for a few weeks as we decide how to
handle the Lang Spec.
Action: Gershon will fold the Arch spec information into the spreadsheet.
Don will rename the agenda item as "Lang Spec assignments."

7. New ITEM: Steps-Informal request
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200902/msg00001.html
This has been resolved on the list.

8. New ITEM: "Conref push for static output formats" discussion
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200812/msg00006.html
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200812/msg00007.html 
This item has been superseded by the item about "Map structure and possible
new attribute for conref push and anchorref."

9. New ITEM: Map structure and possible new attribute for conref push and
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200901/msg00034.html (Su-Laine
Yeo, Eliot, Bruce)
There is ongoing discussion between Su-Laine Yeo, Erik Hennum, and Robert
Anderson about some issues relating to this discussion. Su-Laine reported
that there is an ongoing discussion about how to prevent content from
appearing in two places; she has suggested adding an additional attribute.
Discussion of possible names for such an attribute ensued. Robert Anderson
suggested that this attribute be part of the topicref attributes group.
Action: Su-Laine will post a proposal to the list.

Meeting adjourned.

 -- Kristen Eberlein

The document named DITA TC meeting, 3 February 2009
(DITA_TC_meeting_02032009.txt) has been submitted by Kristen Eberlein to
the OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC document

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-OASIS Open Administration

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