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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL print StyleSheets
Dave Pawson writes: > Below please find the idiots guide to catalogs and java, > dpawson version. If you are at home with this, please > delete this email now. BTW, you omitted the "and xt" from before the comman on the first line; its a pity I just started using Saxon for all my work, 'cos it implements the XSLT standard better than XT! someone wanna patch Saxon? > http://www.arbortext.com/Customer_Support/Updates_and_Technical_Notes/java_f > orm.html that did me no good, but 'cos I am sneaky, I just did wget http://www.arbortext.com/customer_support/updates_and_technical_notes/catalog101.zip and got what I wanted Sebastian
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