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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL print StyleSheets

/ Christoph Steinbeck <steinbeck@ice.mpg.de> was heard to say:
| > support is more mature than XSL.  (You can use the DSSSL tooks for
| > XML, btw, in other words using XML does not necessarily imply you have
| > to use the XSL stylesheets).
| Is this completely true?


| One of the annoying problems that I run into
| when writing valid XML is that the Jade with Norms DSSSL stylesheets
| produces a trailing ">" when making XREF's with the <xref linkend="x1"/>
| syntax. Only if I omitt the "/" at the end (<xref linkend="x1">) I get
| the right result. But having no end tag is not valid xml, right?

Right. You're probably running your documents with the wrong SGML
declaration. There's a special SGML declaration for XML (yeah, I know
that's confusing :-)


  jade [options] /path/to/jade/xml.dcl yourdoc.xml

That should help.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | I don't make predictions. I never
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | have and I never will.--Tony Blair
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

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