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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL print StyleSheets

/ Matthew Harrison <harry@inpharmatica.co.uk> was heard to say:
| 1. The coverage on getting started with XML is rather thin, but as I'm new to either
| XML or SGML, I've opted for the XML route, for my own reasons. With improved XML
| coverage in the docs, we could get up to speed quicker, and be quicker with the
| feedback.

Yeah, documentation for the XSL stylesheets is pretty thin in general,
I'm afraid.

| 2. The DSSSL print and html stylesheets (1.54) don't seem to handle articleinfo (ok, so
| we're a little bit bleeding edge and decided to go straight for v4 :?) which is
| why we decided to try the XML, as the XSL html stylesheets handled articleinfo,
| and we could produce html with them..

Hmm. Now that 4.0 is out I really have to fix this things. :-)

| 3. But I'm still not in print by this route. 'fo' stylesheets produce fo (I'm
| learning as I go here :?), not tex like the DSSSL print stylesheets
| and don't quite get me printing. I'm sure I've missed something.
| How do I get from fo to tex? (or to print by any route, apart from
| printing html from a browser or using html2ps)?

PassiveTeX or FOP or any other FO-to-print tool of your choosing. Not that
there are a whole lot to choose from just yet.

| 4. fo XSL stylesheets don't seem to handle articleinfo either. (1.11)


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | It'll cost you.
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | 
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

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