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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Docbook stylesheets with Saxon

At 05:30 AM 11/17/00, madhu wrote:
>On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, DaveP wrote:
> > At 05:03 PM 11/16/00, Norman Walsh wrote:
> > >/ Dave Pawson <daveP@dpawson.freeserve.co.uk> was heard to say:
> > 
> > java -classpath /myjava/cat/catalog.jar;/myjava/cat/catalog-apps.jar;/myjava/saxon/saxon.jar;/myjava/sax.jar;/myjava/xp.jar;/myjava/xt.jar;java -classpath /myjava/cat/catalog.jar;/myjava/cat/catalog-apps.jar;/myjava/saxon/saxon.jar;/myjava/sax.jar;  -Dxml.catalog.files=/sgml/catalogx -Dxml.catalog.debug=3   com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet -o op.xml file.xml stylesheet.xsl
> > 
> > Mike Kay's documentation says, to get hold of ParserManager.properties
> > it must be in the classpath.
> > 
>yes or alternatively you can do this with saxon using -x -y in the commandline
>see the attachment( i didn't want to change the settings of my mailer) ;-)

One concern I have over this.
Norm describes his java as an entity resolver.
Mikes parsermanager.properties file is for a parser.

I'm thinking that Norms stuff doesn't implement a parser,
hence the error message?

I guess the -x option (the one I'm interested in), is again
looking for a parser, not an entity manager, as Norm describes it?

Parser = apple
entity manager=pear?

Am I totally off track here? Saxon has its own entity manager
in-built (or the parser does), and its not exposed to be 'swapped'
out for Norms?


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