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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: PSGML source moved to Sourceforge

Is there an alternative to psgml for editing xml/sgml in emacs? I have
xslide for dtds.

I had problems with XHTML and the xml:lang attribute. It didn't seem to
understand namespace syntax.I sent Lennart note about it since nobody on
comp.text.xml newsgroup seemed to respond to inquiries about the parse

Eric :-)

Michael Smith wrote:
> Off-topic -- but I think there are enough people on this list using
> PSGML mode for Emacs that will be interested:
> A while back, Lennart Staflin posted the following note on his PSGML
> home page[1].
>   The future of PSGML: It is currently not in active development. I
>   plan to put out one or two bug fix releases and the move the sources
>   to source forge (possibly after restructuring the code a bit and
>   merging in various patches and additions that has been send to me.)
>   I will then invite others to take an active part in the future
>   development of PSGML. To start this I have created two mailing lists
>   on source forge. A psgml-user for general discussion and questions
>   about PSGML and psgml-devel for discussion about the future
>   development of PSGML. Visit the SourceForge: Mailing Lists for PSGML[2]
>   page to for subscription info.
> But he doesn't yet seemed to have opened up PSGML development;
> although there have been a few messages on the psgml-user list, there
> doesn't seem to have been any discussion yet on the psgml-admin list.
> Not sure why Lennart isn't advertising it more actively -- the note at
> the PSGML site seems to be the only announcement he's made anywhere.
> Perhaps he's planning to announce it more widely after he finishes the
> restructuring and patch-merging he mentions.
>   --Mike Smith
> [1] http://www.lysator.liu.se/projects/about_psgml.html
> [2] http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=9156
> --
> Michael Smith          mailto:smith@xml-doc.org
> XML-DOC                http://www.xml-doc.org/

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