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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Getting the right Doctype for xsltproc?
On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 06:07:40PM -0600, ttg@charter.net wrote: > Some questions: > > First, I am still, despite the best efforts of a > couple of you, seemingly a clueless newbie...sigh > for that I apologize in advance... > > I can't find out how to build the right DOCTYPE to > have xsltproc parse my little xml file. I created a > very simple one just to see if I could get SOMETHING > to work. Bob Stayton and Norm Walsh have helped > a lot, but I am still a little lost???? > > Bob's three step process seems to be working, at > least xsltproc runs now, it just throws up all over me > when I give it a file. > > > As I understand the process...please correct me if > I am wrong: > > 1. Create an xml (Docbook) document inside a recognized > name like <book></book>. > 2. Pass same to xsltproc giving xslt the dtd to use, > in this case docbook.xsl? (Here is where I start > going off into the weeds...) > 3. xsltproc processes the document and creates > an html file viewable in a standard browser. > > How does xslt get the dtd? Is this magic? > > What does jade do? I have tried to make that > little puppy work, too??? > > Um, yes, I am still confused??!!?? I've found that setting up proper paths for all the components is the biggest problem when just getting started. Try processing this short XML file: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "/xml/docbookDTD/docbookx.dtd"> <chapter id="introduction"><title>Introduction</title> <para>Welcome. </para> </chapter> You'll need to edit that path after SYSTEM in the DOCTYPE line to match the location of the main docbook DTD file on your system. So that answers one of your questions: the file can tell the processor where the DTD is. Then this command should work: xsltproc /xml/docbook--xsl-1.45/html/docbook.xsl myfile.xml > myfile.html Again, you'll need to adjust the path to docbook.xsl in the example to match the location of the docbook.xsl file on your system. All other DTD and XSL files should automatically be found relative to the main docbookx.dtd and docbook.xsl files, so you shouldn't need to supply any other path stuff. -- Bob Stayton 400 Encinal Street Publications Architect Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Technical Publications voice: (831) 427-7796 Caldera International, Inc. fax: (831) 429-1887 email: bobs@caldera.com
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