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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: XSL: Docbook to foreign DTD

/ Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> was heard to say:
|   Well the XSLT processor operates only on the XPath data model of
| the document, so it's doesn't even have access to DTD related informations.
| Yes, the ':' has no significance for it, in general. And there is no
| way (at least there was, I don't know if XML Schemas provides this) to
| know if "ns:val" is consumed by the application as a simple string or
| expect to match the "ns" prefix with the in-scope namespace. So the processor
| has to make sure the prefix stays in-scope and with the same namespace 
| name (URI) if the element foo is generated in the output. That's one of the
| reason the XSLT processors tends to generate more namespace declarations
| in the output than what the stylesheet authors would expect when looking just
| at the templates.

No, there's no way to tell, even in XML Schema. (And it wouldn't help
if there was because you might not know the schema of the document
type you were generating.)

QNames in attribute values are really ugly from a datamodel point of view.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | For the mental patient's family
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | and society, mental illness is a
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | 'problem'; for the patient himself
                                   | it is a 'solution'.--Thomas Szasz

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