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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: WebSphere Application Developer and DocBook XML

[Followups to docbook-apps, please]

/ Matthias Krehl <matthias.krehl@key-work.de> was heard to say:
| Has anyone used IBM's WebSphere Application Developer (WSAD) for editing
| DocBook documents?
| I didn't manage to create a DocBook XML so far. After specifying the DocBook
| DTD in the XML file creation wizard WSAD (thinks for several seconds and
| then) requests for selecting a root element from a drop down list - which is
| empty. Manually inserting something like 'book', or '<book>' will be
| ignored.
| That's the explanation from the WSAD online help:
|     The root element of an XML file is
|     the element that contains all other
|     elements in that file. All elements
|     defined in the DTD or all global
|     elements defined in the XML schema
|     are included in this list.
|     Note: If you do not have any elements
|     in your DTD or any global elements in
|     your XML schema, you cannot create an
|     XML file from it.
| Any ideas?

Maybe WSAD isn't robust enough to parse DocBook? Have you tried with a smaller,
simpler DTD? Perhaps Simplified DocBook?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | A toy car is a projection of a
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | real car, made small enough for a
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | child's hand and imagination to
                                   | grasp. A real car is a projection
                                   | of a toy car, made large enough
                                   | for an adult's hand and
                                   | imagination to grasp.--Michael
                                   | Frayn

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