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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: HTMLHelp, XSL Driver File,Book Request for XSL customizations

On 01/22/02 7:41, "Maggie Strevell" <maggie@ssinc.com> wrote:

> First:  A preface can't come before a book.  I tried anyway, but Saxon gives
> an error message and looking at the DocBook Hierarchy, it appears <preface>
> must be nested in something like <book>. Thought of using <set>, but if I am
> reading the nesting of elements properly, you can't have a <preface> inside
> a <set> before a <book>.  I've tried a few things, but have gotten worse
> results than the code I show here.
I misunderstood your question. I thought you wanted something that goes
before the content but still inside the book.

I don't think there's a way of doing what you're looking for

> Second:  I've been overriding the parameters that are simple, such as those
> specified in the documentation found at xsl\doc\html\index.html (params that
> the param.xsl refers to).  This time I need to specify something that isn't
> in that list.  Maybe the question should be: "How do I reference the
> ImageType parameter from a XSL driver file without having to override the
> entire template?"
If it's not a parameter, then the only way I know of is to redo the template
as you did in your previous message.

> Third: I'm open for more suggestions on where to find help on customizing
> stylesheets via a driver file.  Does an XSL driver file that produced the
> HTMLHelp for docbook exist?  If it's on the CD, I will keep looking.
Again I misunderstood the question. After looking around the distribution
and the TDG CS, it looks like htmlhelp.xsl is the file that is used when
generating htmlhelp. I couldn't find a driver either.

I apologize for the confusion the previous answer may have caused

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carlos Araya [mailto:carlos@cvc.edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 9:10 AM
> To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: HTMLHelp, XSL Driver File, Book Request for
> XSL customizations
> On 01/22/02 6:59, "Maggie Strevell" <maggie@ssinc.com> wrote:
>> Three items...
>> First:
>> I am trying to come up with HTMLHelp file that has a simple hierarchy.
>> Since I am new to XML, XSL and DocBook, I am unsure if I am specifying the
>> wrong tags or if I need to customize the HTMLHelp XSL in my XSL driver
> file.
>> What I am trying to do is generate a help table of contents that 1)Has an
>> article that isn't inside a folder/book 2) To title each folder/book
> without
>> it being a link to something.  I am using the docbookx.dtd.
> How about using a preface? The preface goes before anything but index and
> legal stuff if I remember correctly, look into TDG for more information, If
> you're using sect1 as to create the subheadings, I believe you need to
> customize the stylesheet or look for a parameter that does this.
>> Second:
>> I would like to override the XSL template for hhc-main to specify the
>> ImageType of "Book" rather than "Folder" (which is in the original).
>> The only difference between the example below (which is in my driver
>> file) and the one in the original XSL is the ImageType value.
>> This works, but is there a simpler way in my driver file to change this
>> property?  What
>> is the best way to override a template in a driver file and make it so
>> that I don't customize more than I need to?
> If there's a param.xsl file on htmlhelp you should be able to create the
> driver and just override the parameters. You'd still need to import
> docbook.xsl, but overriding parameters should be much easier than rewriting
> an entire template
>> Third:
>> Can anyone make a XSL book recommendation (or on-line tutorial, etc...)
> that
>> teaches how to customize a stylesheet using a driver file?  Does Norm use
> a
>> htmlhelp stylesheet driver file to produce the help for the DocBook book?
> I
>> have the CD, just wondering if it exists and where it might be on the CD.
> I'd say look at the docbook.xsl file on the htmlhelp directory for a
> starting point. Other people may have a different idea
>> Many Thanks!
>> Maggie
> --
> Carlos E. Araya
> ---+ WebCT Administrator/Trainer
> P | California Virtual Campus
> - | C/O De Anza College
> G | 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd
> ---+ Cupertino, CA 95014
> email               carlos@cvc.edu
> web                 http://www.cvc1.org/ (work)
>                   http://www.silverwolf-net.net (personal)
> phone               408 257 0420 (work)
> PGP Fingerprint:    E629 5DFD 7EAE 4995 E9D7  3D2F 5A9F 0CE7 DFE7 1756
> "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons....for you are crunchy and  taste
> good with ketchup and mayonnaise.."

Carlos E. Araya
---+ WebCT Administrator/Trainer
 P | California Virtual Campus
 - | C/O De Anza College
 G | 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd
---+ Cupertino, CA 95014

email               carlos@cvc.edu
web                 http://www.cvc1.org/ (work)
                    http://www.silverwolf-net.net (personal)
phone               408 257 0420 (work)
PGP Fingerprint:    E629 5DFD 7EAE 4995 E9D7  3D2F 5A9F 0CE7 DFE7 1756

Paradoxically, a refusal to 'put a monetary value on life' means that life
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