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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: comments on "Using the DocBook XSL Stylesheets"

Being a dochead, I'm all for for stable and proven ways of refering to
long-lived shared resources. But I'm also involved in data munging, which
calls for managing short-lived schemas and documents. Also, one of the
original goals of SGML Open Catalogs, providing a package format for
interchange of documents, is getting very pertinent.

The real issue for me is not exactly where RPM et.al. packages should drop
DocBook schema and stylesheets.

IMHO, pony-tailed XML dataheads might benefit from >15 years experience with
document interchange and processing in the SGML world. I.e., entity
resolution must be able to work with a per-process local configuration which
may override or replace a global configuration, and you may need to be able
to refer to documents and schema that was created five or ten years ago.

And gray-bearded (sory, ladies) SGML docheads should try to accept that XML
is about the internet, that URIs are appropriate public identifiers, and
that some documents and schema have a lifetime of milliseconds.

Kind regards,
Peter Ring

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam DiCarlo [mailto:adam@onshored.com]
Sent: 16. december 2002 01:56
To: veillard@redhat.com
Cc: Bob Stayton; docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: comments on "Using the DocBook XSL

<snip />

Well, I haven't checked, but hopefully these tools are sophisticated
enough to use some sort of entity resolution (XML catalogs or SGML
open catalogs).  I know that the XML spec does not require entity
resolution, but personally I can't conceive of any robust document
instancing system that doesn't give you any indirection between public
identifiers for well-known shared objects and where they are on the

Assuming you have the entity registration and resolution working on
the infrastructural side, again, where the files are stored on the
filesystem is a non-issue, and merely a question of what works for
most sysadmins.  And I have a hard time really deciding between
whether /usr/share/xml is really a win for sysadmins or not.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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