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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: language specific character in PDF output

* Jirka Kosek; <jirka@kosek.cz> on 19 Dec, 2002 wrote:
>Togan Muftuoglu wrote:
>> It is Adobe limitation you have to embed the font that has the glyph for
>> the character. If you try XEP the result will be the same. Only with
>> PassiveTeX it works out of the box weird but true
>It is not limitation of Adobe nor PDF format. This is completely tool

With all my respect to your knowledge I still think this is Adobe issue
as rge Times Courier and Helvetica fonts they provide do miss the
Unicode characters 

in fop.xsl

In PDF bookmarks can't be used characters with code>255. This version of
translates characters with code>255 back to ASCII.

  Pavel Zampach (zampach@volny.cz)

Because even though you can use diffrent fonts in the document they are
not possible in the bookmarks since they only use the Adobe defined
fonts which have the limited PDF encoding

I can not not get the bookmarks displaying the correct characters even
with PassiveTex 


Togan Muftuoglu

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