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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: comments on "Using the DocBook XSL Stylesheets"

Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> writes:

> I can't do any automated catalog management

I don't believe in this kind of magic ;-)

Question: where shall we install the TEI P4 DTD?  One and the same is
used for SGML and XML (the same is basically true for DocBook and the
DocBook DSSSL stylesheets).  If you are interested in the XML flavor of
the TEI DTD just say in your internal Doctype declaration:


Okay, we can try to install the same files twice or provide
sophisticated link farms--and that's what I already proposed the last
time dicussed this mess.

As long as there is no written and approved standard (part of the LSB)
I'm not going to change directory names under /usr/share/sgml -- I once
did on account of the LSB SGML appendix and then it disappeared ;-(

When a concise description is part of the LSB I'll support it, of
course.  Marc Johnson(?) said he wanted to work on this issue.

ke@suse.de (work) / keichwa@gmx.net (home):              |
http://www.gnu.franken.de/ke/                            |      ,__o
Free Translation Project:                                |    _-\_<,
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