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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Best practise: Directories and location of images

Am Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2003 16:14 schrieb Kenneth Johansson:
> Hi,
> I'm working with both modular and single documents. I would like
> the community's views on how to structure the documents and where
> to put images.
> Take my modular documents for instance. Each document has its own
> directory. Each chapter has its own directory. Most of the sections
> are placed in the chapter directory. Sections with subsections has
> a directory. Each directory has a image directory.
> Single documents have a directory of their own which includes a
> directory for images.
> Please give me you 2 cents on how to best structure my files and
> images.

Easiest way is to keep al xml stuff in one directory and have one 
subdirectory for images. 

But sometimes more directories are needed (imagine setting write 
permissions on a per directory base with CVS). 

In this case you have to take care of fileref attributes. In my case 
i use XINCLUDE to include small pieces in many different sections. If 
this included xml has a filref and belongs to onother directory than 
the including one, the resulting "src" attribute of an "img" element  
(speaking of HTML output) might be broken. You will need a 
customization layer which transforms the fileref attribute 
(graphics/imagedata...) in respect of xml:base.

i use the second approach very often and a customization layer to 
"fix" the filerefs.
kind regards,

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