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Subject: error in fo/pagesetup.xsl?


the following error appeared after updating to 1.62.4 two or three hours 

[ERROR] Error in margin-left property value '0': 
org.apache.fop.fo.expr.PropertyException: No conversion defined

Grepping through the source tree came up with the following in 
pagesetup.xsl (line 367 and line 600):

 <xsl:attribute name="margin-left">0</xsl:attribute>

I changed it to

 <xsl:attribute name="margin-left">0cm</xsl:attribute>

which fixed it. Now it works for me.

I downloaded version 1.62.4 just this morning from sourceforge.net and I 
can't think of a reason why there should be no scale unit so something 
seems to be broken in the tarball ...

The renderer now complains only about " property - 
"background-position-horizontal" is not implemented yet" but, well, it 
isn't implemented so he must be patient :-) ...


Thomas Gier
Technical Writer
Cologne / Germany

P.S perhaps I'm the only on who doesn't (yet) change this attribute in his 
customization layer ...

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