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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] java 1.5 and xsltc and endorsed stuff.

From: "David Tolpin" <dvd@davidashen.net>
> The problem arises when it is called through JAXP — it then uses what 
> javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory returns, and the TransformerFactory 
> itself is, naturally, the first one found in CLASSPATH.
> How to put Xalan's or Saxon's (6.5.3) TransformerFactory before the 
> built-in xsltc, I don't know.

I did convince Java 1.5 to use a replacement xalan.jar file by placing it in 
$JRE_HOME/lib/endorsed.  (I had to create the 'endorsed' directory.)

Another way to override the default behavior is to use a tool like Ant that 
lets you specify the classpath it should use to find the XSLT processor. 
After some false starts, the Ant xslt (or style) task is working when told 
to use saxon.jar or xalan.jar.  This method probably involves a custom 
ClassLoader, though I haven't looked at the Ant source code to confirm.

Wendy Smoak 

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