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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook HTML and MHT Conversion Issues

It isn't always the case when you process a file with Saxon (and Xerces and 
the Jakarta XML commons resolver) that it writes out full paths for images. 
Can you provide more information?
Is this with a DocBook 5 document?
Have you tried setting  the parameter keep.relative.image.uris to 1 (zero 
is the default)?

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Chiasson" <chris@chiasson.name>
To: "Mauritz Jeanson" <mj@johanneberg.com>
Cc: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>; "Miller, Ray (Centech)" 
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook HTML and MHT Conversion Issues

> When I process with Saxon (and Xerces and the Jakarta XML commons
> resolver), it writes the full file:///absolute/path/ url to image
> files into my html, xhtml, and fo output. This is not a big deal for
> fo output, but messes up html and xhtml if they are served on a web
> server. Furthermore, if the files are moved to another directory after
> being created, the absolute references break (this happens as part of
> my Ant build process, where the build directory is a different
> directory from the destination).
> On 10/4/06, Mauritz Jeanson <mj@johanneberg.com> wrote:
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: chris.chiasson@gmail.com
>> >
>> > this is happening because Saxon is writing full paths into
>> > your html files
>> > xsltproc won't do this
>> What paths are you referring to? Image paths? I'm curious since I 
>> haven't
>> noticed any differences between Saxon and xsltproc. Can you please
>> elaborate?
>> /MJ
> -- 
> http://chris.chiasson.name/
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