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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] .epub guides/information
On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Dick Hamilton <rlhamilton@frii.com> wrote: > Can anyone recommend any resources, articles, etc., > that they have found useful in working with epub? = ePub, specifically The IDPF (http://www.openebook.org/) developed the ePub specs. They are fairly reasonable as specs go: * OPF (how to name the files): http://idpf.org/2007/opf/OPF_2.0_final_spec.html * OCF (how to zip the files): http://www.idpf.org/ocf/ocf1.0/download/ocf10.htm * OPS (the content of the files): http://idpf.org/2007/ops/OPS_2.0_final_spec.html = Formats, generally A more high-level overview of the formats from Liza Daly is here: http://toc.oreilly.com/2008/04/ebook-format-primer.html = Creating ePubs Bob DuCharme has a nice overview of creating ePubs from scratch: http://www.snee.com/bobdc.blog/2008/03/creating-epub-files.html He points to two other resources ".epub eBooks Tutorial" (http://www.jedisaber.com/eBooks/tutorial.asp) and "Epub Format Construction Guide" (http://www.hxa7241.org/articles/content/epub-guide_hxa7241_2007.html). The most comprehensive guide is Liza's "Build a digital book with EPUB"[sic] on IBM Developerworks (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/edu/x-dw-x-epubtut.html). = ePub readers O'Reilly just announced its support and hosting of the superb, open source Bookworm ePub reader (http://bookworm.oreilly.com/) (Liza's work): http://toc.oreilly.com/2009/02/bookworm-now-part-of-oreilly-labs.html Azardi is a project trying to develop a reference-quality ePub reader: http://www.infogridpacific.com/igp/AZARDI/ Adobe Digital Editions is a free (beer) ePub Reader used by the Sony Reader & many consumers: http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/ Lexcycle's Stanza App (http://www.lexcycle.com/) on the iPhone is by far the most ubiquitous ePub reader (with hundreds of thousands, millions? of downloads), but the Sony Reader also supports ePub as well the upcoming Plastic Logic reader (2010). = ePub news The MobileRead Forums are where a lot of folks interested in electronic books hang out (I don't): http://www.mobileread.com/forums/ TeleRead (http://www.teleread.org/blog/) and the TOC Blog (http://toc.oreilly.com/) are the place to watch for news (less technical). Liza's blog's ePub category has quite a bit of meaty stuff to chew on: http://blog.threepress.org/category/epub/ = ePub validation Use epubcheck (http://code.google.com/p/epubcheck/) to validate your ePub documents or Liza's web form of the same (http://threepress.org/tools/) = ePub tools & alphas Calibre is doing some alpha work on converting between formats: http://calibre.kovidgoyal.net/ Liza has tools for using DocBook-XSL's ePub stylesheets in Python and also doing TEI->ePub: http://code.google.com/p/epub-tools/ Liza (spotting a theme?) just released an alpha of a pure-JavaScript ePub reader: http://blog.threepress.org/2009/02/09/introducing-epubjs/ = Mailing lists Mailing lists include ePub-Community (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/epub-community/) and the brand-new ePub-interop (http://groups.google.com/group/epub-interop) for reader implementers. HTH, Keith
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