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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Relative path for highlight.xslthl.config

Hello Dave,

thanks for the tip. This would also work but as an Apache Ant user, I think Jirkas tips fit better to my setup.

Best regards, Lars

2011/11/22 davep <davep@dpawson.co.uk>
On 11/21/2011 06:59 PM, Lars Vogel wrote:

I'm currently using an absolute path for the syntax highlighting
configuration file. As I'm switching between computers back and forth I
would like to make this relative.


<param name="highlight.xslthl.config"

I did not manage to make the system accept a relative path. Can someone
please share an example?

I have the same problem, moving content from my disk to website.
My only solution was to have a common (absolute) address to use
in my case it was /dir/dir/file
If you can be assured of having the file on the same disk, this
solution will work for you. c: is redundant in a java world,
as is the file:/// prefix.



Dave Pawson

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