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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Google Summer of Code 2012
I have done neither, so far. If you know of any organizations that we should speak with, let me know and I'll approach them.
Regarding the application page, my plan was to save a copy of the current page and start a new page using the new application.
If you've got a little time and could start a new page with the application, that would be a big help because I'm in the middle of a very busy period for the next day or two.
Also, thanks for volunteering to be a mentor. I really appreciate it.
On Feb 29, 2012, at 9:53 PM, Kasun Gajasinghe wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Have you or any other asked from other organizations to vouch for DocBook?
> Further, can I know your plan to update the application page? Some mandatory questions by Google [1] are not yet included in the application page. So, I was wondering whether you are keeping a draft of the application page in your local machine to get it to a certain standard before releasing!
> [1] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2012/faqs#mentoring_application
> Thanks,
> --Kasun
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 2:37 AM, Richard Hamilton <hamilton@xmlpress.net> wrote:
> Google Summer of Code is beginning to ramp up again for 2012.
> I just updated the DocBook GSoC wiki (http://docbook.xmlpress.net) for 2012, and it is now open for ideas, mentor sign-ups, and other input.
> Stefan Seefeld has volunteered to be co-administrator again (thanks Stefan), and XML Press is glad to be administrative contact.
> If you're interested in participating, check out the wiki, add some ideas, and sign up as a mentor.
> Right now, the ideas page and the application page are copied from 2011, so feel free to update/remove information as appropriate. As soon as I get a few minutes, I'll update the application page with any changes for 2012.
> Our ability to make a credible application that gets accepted by GSoC depends almost entirely on the level of interest and participation from the community, so if you're interested, speak up.
> The requirements on mentors are not that large, and it's a great chance to work with smart, dedicated students. Some of the students from 2010 have become active members of the DocBook community, so we know the program helps grow our base.
> The application period opens up on Feb 27 and extends to March 9. You can see more of the schedule, and pointers to Google's pages about the program, at http://docbook.xmlpress.net.
> Best Regards,
> Dick Hamilton
> -------
> XML Press
> XML for Technical Communicators
> http://xmlpress.net
> hamilton@xmlpress.net
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> --
> ~~~*******'''''''''''''*******~~~
> Kasun Gajasinghe
> Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com,
> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe
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