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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Two nagging problems with docbook2pdf in texlive 2019

My toolchain is older and even more esoteric.  As a longtime TeX user
I ended up writing a grown-by-accretion Perl script to translate
whatever subset of docbook I happen to be using into TeX/ConTeXt.
I think that, since then, the ConTeXt people have added direct XML and
some DocBook support to the processor.

I am actually satisfied with its results, but I do not suppose it
to be fit for service for anyone else's use.  Still, daring or
masochistic people who promise not to laugh at my Perl coding style
and struggles to make ConTeXt do the right things are welcome to
it.  It does have the advantage of being free (if I forget the time
I put into it).

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