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Subject: DOCBOOK: Re: RFE: Date Format



> That's why we all are asked to use ISO notation these days; if you
> really think a DATE element is needed give it a PCDATA content and use:
>     <date>2001-01-08</date>

I refuse to use ISO in everyday life. It's totally unnatural and
everyone would think I was weird. They already do anyway.

> Otherwise, Karsten M. Self is completely right.  And don't try to make
> the DocBook DTD a catch all DTD ;)

I'm not trying to make the DTD a catch all for anything. I'm attempting
to get around cultural differences, in a culturally sensitive manner.
Forcing the ISO format on people who don't feel comfortable with it, and
who wouldn't use it in everyday life anyway, is not right. It's plain
prejudice and dare I say silly?

The hate stands ready...
 Send forth your terror into HELL!

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