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Subject: RE: [ebxml-bp] [public-comment-00000] supplement validation errors

Generally the BPSS schemas before versions 1.04 or 1.05 reference
deprecated datatypes (like uriReference or timeDuration), refer to a
superceded version of schema, or suffer from other errors that make them
unusable nowadays.

The version sent to the list and Kenji was the one used by RosettaNet
during their documentation of their PIPs using BPSS.

I propose that our focus be on helping convert 1.x instances from 1.04,
1.05, the modified version of RosettaNet, and above. 

Incidentally, I did recently process the 2.0.1 ebBP schema using the
jaxb tool, xjb. Despite our use of substitution groups and some other
less frequently used features of schema, the java classes and interfaces
were generated (after removing symbol collisions arising from our
convention of naming complexTypes with the "Type" suffix), and all
compiled without complaints! So there is one sense in which the ebbp 2.0
schema produces executable code (even though it is not in our charter to
do that!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenji Nagahashi [mailto:nagahashi@us.fujitsu.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:31 PM
Cc: ebxml-bp@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [ebxml-bp] [public-comment-00000] supplement validation


Monica J Martin wrote:

> mm1: Need to determine if the one you attached Dale is consistent with

> the .xsd posted on www.ebxml.org for BPSS v1.01. If they differ (and 
> Kenji has both so he can diff), we should discuss it. Thanks.

ebBPSS1.01.xsd Dale posted and ebBPSS1.01.xsd posted on www.ebxml.org 
differ at many places.

I suspect Dale's ebBPSS1.01.xsd is actually of BPSS 1.10 (or pre-release

version of it), incorrectly versioned as "1.01" --- It has "Decision" 
element and comments such as "deprecated in v1.1".

Problem is that this is the one RosettaNet uses as BPSS 1.01 schema... 
So every RosettaNet BPSS is actually written in BPSS 1.1.
(it won't be difficult to transform RosettaNet BPSS into strictly BPSS 
1.01 compliant.)

Which do yo think should we use?


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