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Subject: RE: [ebxml-cppa] Anti-reminder: no CPPA teleconferences until December.

Title: Message
Dear Colleagues,
I wish all my American cousins a very Happy Thanksgiving.
- - -
and echo Dales hint about constructive comments on the ongoing work items of Negotiation and Transaction Management (BTP) extension.
To start things of on the re-chartering discussion:
I personally would like to see the CPPA TC agree a new charter that had a time scope of at least 6 months; I really think a year would be more sensible.  Yes resources have moved to other interests to some extent, but not yet to the point were sensible progress becomes impracticable.  I hope that by agreeing a new charter of reasonable time period resources / effort input would stabilise at a level that allows the ongoing work to proceed to completion.
I suggest the following work items:
1)  Collecting feedback from implementers of the specification(s), keeping an issues log, resolution of those issues and providing maintenance releases of the TC's specification(s)
2)  Completion of the Negotiation specification and movement through TC spec to OASIS standard.
3)  Completion of the Transaction Management (BTP) extension and movement through TC spec to OASIS standard
4)  Gauge practical implementation interest in other areas of work such as relationship to Web Services / adaptation of CPPA for use in a WS environment, use of other transports (e.g. SOAP, Grid ebXML, . . .), other BP description methods.
If  a new charter is agreed then I would suggest re-launching the TC with another F2F, perhaps in the late Jan / Feb / early March 2003 time frame.

Best Regards,


Tony Fletcher

Technical Advisor
Choreology Ltd.
13, Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX UK


+44 (0) 20 7670 1787


+44 (0) 7801 948 219


+44 (0) 20 7670 1785



Cohesions 1.0™

Business transaction management software for application coordination

Work: tony.fletcher@choreology.com

Home: amfletcher@iee.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Moberg [mailto:dmoberg@cyclonecommerce.com]
Sent: 15 November 2002 06:27
To: ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-cppa] Anti-reminder: no CPPA teleconferences until December.



In celebration of OASIS approval of the v2.0 core specification, we are taking a break from teleconferences through Thanksgiving.


I will send out an agenda for the first Friday in December when we resume. Please send me any items you wish to take up. We do need to begin rechartering discussions, and address maintenance issues.


Now that you have an extra hour, comments to Tony Fletcher on his BTP draft and to the Negotiation subteam on their draft would be appreciated.



Dale Moberg

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