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ebxml-iic-msg message

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Subject: [ebxml-iic-msg] Requirements instance

Attachment: ebxml-iic-msg-reqs.xml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ebXMLRequirements.xsd
Description: Binary data


Attached is the first swipe at moving all of the requirements from XMLG 
into the XML format.

A couple notes:

- I added a couple minor things to the schema.  I started out a 
changelog in there, so check it out.

- 75% of this XML is generated by a quick perl script I wrote to read 
from the word document  provided by XMLG, that is why there is NAME 
everywhere, the script couldn't make the name of the SemanticRequirement 

- Only a small percentage of the requirements are using <Clause /> 
(which is very cool BTW).  Once again, I blame it on my ignorant 
script :-)  Once we set up CVS, maybe we can split up the tests and fix 

- I think I am perverting the XML format, in that I am using far fewer 
TestRequirements than SemanticRequirements.  This might be an issue.

- The XSL needs work, but you probably know that.  The plan should be to 
generate something that looks OASIS-ish, and displays hierarchy 
properly.  Maybe we should find someone to take over the stylesheet, 
there is just a ton of work here to do.


Matthew MacKenzie
XML Global R&D
PGP Key available upon request.

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