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Subject: RE: [egov-websrv] Agenda for May 6 SC Meeting

Thanks Jouko.   Sounds like a reasonable approach to me.  Look forward to
hearing from you in today's telecon.


                    "Jouko Salonen"          To:     david.layton@gsa.gov,                          
                    <jouko.salonen@rep        egov-websrv@lists.oasis-open.org,                     
                    ublica.fi>                arthur.brunson@gsa.gov, tim.benson@abies.co.uk,       
                                              "Palle Aagaard" <PAA@itst.dk>, "Michael Bang          
                    05/06/2003 12:34          Kjeldgaard" <mbk@itst.dk>, "René Løhde"               
                    AM                        <rel@itst.dk>, mhb@schemaworks.com                    
                                             Subject:     RE: [egov-websrv] Agenda for May 6 SC     

Some points for discussing the item #2 in the agenda of todays meeting (see
the agenda, sent by David, below):

As some earlier e-mails from Jon and John have indicated, the first
deliverable of UBL liaison is to provide a review of UBL libraries from the
government e-procurement point of view.

The review team
The review team will consist of procurement business domain experts. At the
moment we have identified
       - Tim Benson from UK  (tim.benson@abies.co.uk)
       - Arthur Brunson (GSA)(arthur.brunson@gsa.gov)
       - One person from the Ministry of Finance in Finland and an other
from Hansel. Hansel is the former government procurement office that is now
privatized.( http://www.hansel.fi/en/ajankohtaista2.asp?ID=25 )
       - Palle Aagaard ( or maybe some others from Denmark, needs still to
be confirmed )
       - Zheng Liang, Canada (proposed by John Borras, have not got an
answer yet)
       - Hagen, Bremen, Germany (proposed by John Borras, have not got an
answer yet)
I will do the follow-up with individual participants.

The next UBL version is out (probably the week of 19 May or 26 May) and the
review-period is ending the week of 30 June.
As a eGov liaison to UBL, I will collect the reviews and then convey the
input from the review team(s) to UBL.

Modus operandi
What is the modus operandi for the review (e.g., how will it actually work?
what are the logistics?)
    - The preferable mode of communication is e-mail + 2-3 conference calls
    - I guess the domain experts in each country would like to spend first
some days with the material and use e-mail to discuss the best possible
    - I will try to collect the opinions, work as a facilitator and provide
proposals for agenda and workflow. I am familiar with the earlier version
of the UBL-libraries, I know the methodology and have followed the
discussion-list, so I can propably find answers to the methodological
    - Finally we will collect a review-document. The first version should
be ready June 15th. Here as well I will be the facilitator resource and
pick up the comments from e-mails and compile a review-document out of

How does this sound?


-----Original Message-----
From: david.layton@gsa.gov [mailto:david.layton@gsa.gov]
Sent: 5. toukokuuta 2003 23:43
To: egov-websrv@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [egov-websrv] Agenda for May 6 SC Meeting


I will be unable to attend the May 6 SC or May 8 TC meeting in person due
to a family medical emergency, but will participate via telecon.  Jon Bosak
will assist from London as vice-chair.  The following is the agenda for the
SC meeting:

  1.  Update on SC status (Dave Layton)
  2.  UBL Liaison discussion (Jouko Salonen)
         * Confirm commitment
         * Modus operandi
         * Timeline
  3.  Discussion of deliverable #1 (Graham Beaver)
  4.  Preps for May 8 TC Mtg  (Dave Layton)

Attached are a few slides for item #1 above.


David Layton
GSA, Office of E-Government & Technology
E-Government Strategy Division
Phone: 202-219-0815

(See attached file: May 6 Interop Services SC Mtg.ppt)

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