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thanks ... more to come... diane

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacobs, Michael B [mailto:Jacobs.Michael@hq.navy.mil]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 9:30 AM
To: egov@lists.oasis-open.org

John & Diane,


I would like to sign up for the Services subcommittee.



Michael Jacobs 
Department of Navy Chief Information Office (DON CIO) 
Data Architecture Project Lead 
DONXML Work Group Lead 
voice: (703) 601-3594 fax: (703) 601-2466 

-----Original Message-----
From: John.Borras@e-Envoy.gsi.gov.uk [mailto:John.Borras@e-Envoy.gsi.gov.uk]

Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 6:15 AM
To: egov@lists.oasis-open.org; dick.eppleman@vertexinc.com; MBK@ITST.DK;
td4a@techinfo.defence.gsi.gov.uk; mohammed@imagexx.com; nitas@bsil.com;
stan.swaren@cgi.com; Todd.VanHaaren@softwareagusa.com; Sinisa.zimek@sap.com
Cc: CAAMOT@BEA.COM; chucka@hr-xml.org; Owen_Amber@fws.gov;
sory.diallo%ibi@e-envoy.gsi.gov.uk; CENGLAND@SEEBEYOND.COM;
Stuart.feder@bis.org; lfriedland@mitre.org; Patrick.gannon@oasis-open.org;
andy@gid.co.uk; greevesr@ojp.usdoj.gov; Arofan.Gregory@hotmail.com;
Barbara.guttman@nist.gov; toddh@fgm.com;
klhawkins%enspice@e-envoy.gsi.gov.uk; ghayes@mitre.org;
David.w.heiser@irs.gov; operations@gpso.net; sjacek@pureedge.com;
jacky.loh@e-envoy.gsi.gov.uk; David.Layton@gsa.gov; davidmcd@microsoft.com;
Veni@veni.com; Scott.mcgrath@oasis-open.org; ANASH@RSASECURITY.COM;
Newman.brand@epa.gov; bniemann@tax.org; Alan_porter@3b2.com;
GEORGEP@ATTGLOBAL.NET; Jim.rice@amberpoint.com; saboe@ndf.org; ken@sall.net;
eht@itst.dk; Susan.turnball@gsa.gov; Dale.waldt@oasis-open.org;
Laura.walker@loos.frb.org; Kevin@blueoxide.com


Thanks to all those who participated in the first TC meeting.   I was very
encouraged by the willingness of everybody to tackle what is without doubt a
very large agenda.   The immediate papers and actions arising from that
meeting are as follows: 

Attached are the minutes of the meeting.   We will post these on the TC
website shortly.  If anybody wishes for corrections to be made could they
please let me have them as soon as possible.

Attached is a revised version of the TC Charter taking into account the
comments made at the meeting.  Unless I hear to the contrary by 10 January,
I will take this as agreed and post it on the TC website. 

We have 3 sub-committees ready to start work so can you please let me know
which of these you wish to participate in by 10 January.  You can of course
participate in  more than one if you really want to! 
- Services, chair is Diane Lewis 
- ebXML/Web Services, chair is Marion Royal 
- Best Practice, chair is me 
The chairs will let you know in due course the arrangements for their first
SC meetings. 
If there are volunteers to chair the Languages and Barriers sub-committees
please let me know. 

Could you let me have a note of any issues and concerns about the workings
of the TC that you would like me to add to the Issues Register.  The
Register will be posted on the website and will be reviewed at each TC. 

Future TC meetings 
We did discuss the possibility of the next TC meeting being in San Jose in
the first week of March.  Unfortunately I cannot make that so I propose the
next meeting is held on 12 March in Washington.   I already have an offer of
accommodation for that session. 

Thereafter I would propose TC meetings as follows: 
7 May in London - to coincide with XML Europe 2003 
23 July - location tbd 
29 October - location tbd 
Views on this proposed schedule would be appreciated. 

I think that's all for now but if I've missed anything please let me know. 

Wishing you all a very successful 2003. 


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