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Subject: Re: [egov] BCM and eprXML pilots

Hans A. Aanesen wrote:

>Hi Farrukh
>I just feel that the WSDL modeling is the most important part in having
>legacy system interfaced on Govermental superstructure terms.
>The greenpages (as in UDDI spesification) do have the API models. I just
>need these API Meta-models to be stored somewhere in an nasjonal registry.
>I do not require UDDI, but this kind of register is important.
I understand your requirements are to store WSDL somewhere. That could 
be done in any web server.
However, I assume you minimally want the ability to:

a) Publish the WSDL to a repository using a SOAP and/or HTTP interface

b) Discover the WSDL based upon its classification or categorization

In addition you may want to:

c) Manage the life cycle of the WSDL including approval, deprecation, 
versioning etc.

d) Validate the WSDL automatically upon submission to enforce business rules

e) Catalog the WSDL automatically (e.g. to track which namespaces are 
being imported by which WSDLs).

f) Find the WSDL predicating on content within the WSDL itself allowing 
queries like:
    "Find all WSDL that import a certain file or use a certain name 
space or use a certain portType etc."

g) Manage subscriptions so that when a specific WSDL changes in the 
repository  its users may automatically
be notified.

Lets see how UDDI fits above needs for WSDL management in a national 

a) Cannot be done by UDDI as it does not have a repository.

b) Can be done by UDDI though the taxonomies used for classification are 
not validated by UDDI unless they are one of the pre-defined checked 

c, d, f) Cannot be done by UDDI

g) May be done only if the metadata for the WSDL changes. There is no 
ability to notify if the WSDL itself changes as UDDI does not manage the 
WSDL itself.

It should be noted that all of above (a-g) are supported by the ebXML 
Registry and Repository standard.

Note that publish and discovery of Web Service descriptions is a small 
part of the value that ebXML Registry can provide as a national registry 
and repository.


>Best regards
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Farrukh Najmi" <Farrukh.Najmi@Sun.COM>
>To: "Hans A. Aanesen" <hans@iti.as>
>Cc: <bcm@lists.oasis-open.org>; <egov@lists.oasis-open.org>; "Knut
>Lindelien" <Knut.Lindelien@nts.no>
>Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 7:52 AM
>Subject: Re: [egov] BCM and eprXML pilots
>>Hans A. Aanesen wrote:
>>>Thank you for a very fruitful conference.(Specially our workshop)
>>>It is obvious that eprXML will be a very nice "face" for BCM in
>>>Governmental organized services in e-Gov SOA. Special interesting is
>>>the broader audience in the e-Gov TC and that they need a more
>>>governmental and not vendor controlled guidance.
>>>One important topic here is the needed "single sign-on" PKI solutions
>>>based on a national repository (UDDI?)
>>Why do you pre-suppose UDDI here Hans?
>>Were you aware that UDDI *DOES NOT* provide a repository at all?
>>I would think that ebXML Registry would be a much better fit for a
>>standards-based national registry/repository. It *DOES* provide a
>>feature rich repository.
>>I would be glad to explore this further with the team if needed. Thanks.
>>>built upon a _not vendor made_ specification of API Meta-models (Web
>>>Services).It is crucial that it must be built upon Governmental terms
>>>(as EPR).
>>>Such Meta models should be approved by Governments based
>>>on recommended certificates from for instance OASIS e-Gov.
>>>It would be nice if we could extend our eprXML pilots on a broader
>>>international basis!
>>>We will also come back on sugestions on international pilots.
>>>Best regards
>>>Hans A. Aanesen
>>>EPR-Forum Norway
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>To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/egov/members/leave_workgroup.php.

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