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Subject: Metadata-template for taxonomies

Hi all,

As agreed on the teleconference today, I hereby send a proposed template for
the metadata that ought to be applied when you submit a taxonomy (may it be
as a link or as a file). I suggest that all metada should be as short as
possible. E.g. the description element should only be a few lines and may be
supplementet with a link to a more detailed desciption.

		Title (local title)
		Title (English translation + plus explanation if needed)
		Coverage (domain / area of use covered by the taxonomy)
		Description: (e.g. how and how widely it is used, how old it
is, comments on quality)
		Type: (taxonomi, ontologi, glossary etc.)
		Volatility (how often does it get updated/changed)
		Editor (responsible organisation / contact person)
		Government use (international?, nation?, government tier or
		Audience (targetgroup: IT-professionals, public sector
employees, business, citizens)
		Links (to the sourcefile or a webservice +  to
implementations, e.g. online portals, specific services etc.)



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