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Subject: Re: wd04


I note that I completed the changes inline below with "--Done" except for the second "Line 369"  which I believe was just a transposition for "Line 396" where I made the change.

Rather than make a new working draft, I replaced the existing version with a new revision without a new filename. I will continue this for any further changes.


On 10/8/2021 6:29 PM, Paulsen,Norm (ECCC) wrote:



In wd04


Line 352 – the word ”an” should be “the” --Done

Line 353 – should be… (i.e. a “wind” event leading to a “wind” alert) --Done

Line 367 – missing the word “all”, should be…all associated to a “tropical storm” event. --Done

Line 368 – two spaces at the end of the line --Done

Line 369 – two spaces after… However --Done

Line 369 – should be… “smoke” event  (took a bit of looking, but I think this should be Line 396) --Done

Line 403 – missing comma after the word “both” --Done

Line 404 – The word Practices should start a new paragraph --Done


An extra entry in Appendix B... OET-144 Heavy Rain --Done and the code was automatically corrected

-          Not sure how that got inserted in there. Its not even alphabetical so something seems wrong.


Norm Paulsen
Data Architecture and Standards | Architecture des données et des normes
Forecast Systems Integration & Innovation | Intégration et innovation du système de prévisions

Meteorological Service of Canada | Service météorologique du Canada


4905 Dufferin St. Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T4
Tel:  416 739-4190
Email: norm.paulsen@ec.gc.ca




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