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Subject: Re: [emergency] FEMA IPAWS Note on CAP Profile

On 20 Feb 2009, at 05:12, Dwarkanath, Sukumar - INTL wrote:

It is FEMA’s responsibility to publish its standards and protocols.  FEMA will consider and adjudicate the OASIS IPAWS CAP Profile as appropriate in preparation for its adoption of standards and protocols for the Next-Generation EAS.  FEMA recognizes that the FCC’s 2nd R&O does not require standards and protocols to be published at this time regarding security, multiple languages, alerts & warnings of special needs communities, or of video media types.  Hence, we feel that it is reasonable to consider adopting the OASIS IPAWS CAP Profile as part of its pending standards and protocols.  Note, however, in accordance with statements made publicly, that FEMA intends on pursuing the development of additional requirements to address any outstanding issues for NG-EAS systems.

Interesting comment; "FEMA will consider and adjudicate the OASIS IPAWS CAP Profile"....

Let me ask this rudimentary (if not controversial :-) question....why is there an IPAWS CAP profile being developed by OASIS?:

As a national profile - it should be the responsibility of  FEMA (or whoever is the responsible party in the USA) and if you need it "standardised", then take it to NISO.

My recommendations to EMA (here in Australia) was for the AU CAP Profile to be created and managed by EMA and, if necessary, taken to "Standards Australia" for formal adoption.

I don't think there is any other OASIS standard that is specific to a country?

Cheers...  Renato Iannella

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