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Subject: Re: [ebsoa] RE: [fwsi] RE: [soa-rm] RE: [ebsoa] The real SOA challenge?

While I like what you say vis SOA here - I have to take you to task on history ; -)
The ebXML foundation came out of the work of the XML/edi Group aligned with the work of CEFACT on ooEDI.
It completely breaks the mold on EDI.  Yes - things like ebMS are founded on EDI+ communications - but the core of the ebXMl stack - registry-centric XML-driven collaboration - and the notion of the "Fusion of Five" is designed to sweep away the old EDI practices.  Unfortunately XML as implemented today is nothing more than a slightly better EDI.  The whole XML revolution is yet to truely take hold.
As for web services - this was a shameless grab by IBM and Microsoft - attempting to be first to market ahead of ebXML with concepts that in essence are nothing more than "real-time EDI" - with all the same strengths and weaknesses of the
original real-time EDI implementations - just using XML and the internet instead of EDI and private networks.
So much for history - no need to dwell there - the challenge now is to bring real business enabled XML-driven processes and SOA to fruition.
Cheers, DW
----- Original Message -----
 For example, Web Services are initiated with an idea of services introduced by Microsoft 6-7 years ago and this idea has been formed from distributed computing and component-based computing ideas and "learn on mistakes" lessons from many organizations in 80s and 90s; ebXML is mostly based on EDI ideas and "learn on mistakes" lessons, etc.

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