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Subject: IMI TC Minutes, Oct 15th 2009

1. Call to order/roll call

John Bradley Individual

Scott Cantor Internet2

Marc Goodner Microsoft Corporation

Michael Jones Microsoft Corporation

Dale Olds, Novell


Lost voting status



Gained voting status



2. Approve minutes from previous call

Sep 17th




3. SAML 2.0 token profile





Questions, beginning of thread:



SIP should be IMI 1.0 - Agreed


In 2.3.3, why  is the AuthnStatement mandatory, rather than optional? 

AttributeStatement cannot be required, it would require some statement to always be present which would be odd

It is an authentication protocol, seems like it could always be present

Claims could be transferred to RP that are not part of a authN step

SAML protocol always requires  AuthnStatement, so this requirement aligns nicely with those existing implementations

AuthnStatement  is between the selector and the STS, not to the RP, add clarifying language to call that out


Agreed to add example to cover NameID


2.3.4 states that “The <saml:SubjectConfirmationData> element, if present, MUST NOT contain a NotBefore or Recipient XML attribute.”  Why is that the case?

The NotBefore restriction is copied from the SAML 2.0 SSO profile for use of bearer tokens and is just a way of avoiding spurious problems because there's no use case involving the attribute.

The Recipient restriction is to avoid the need to special-case non-auditing cards and to deal with the fact that in the general case, IMI doesn't assume that the IdP has in hand the *location* of the RP endpoint (which is what Recipient is populated with).

Expanded explanation here: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/imi/200910/msg00010.html


In 2.4.1, why is the token type not urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion as per the IMI 1.0 spec example, rather than http://docs.oasisopen.org/imi/ns/token/saml2/200908, which seems like an unnecessary introduction of a new identifier?

Mike to investigate impact of introducing new toke type to existing/upcoming implementations


Section 2.5 on metadata, Scott has reviewed the WSFed text on metadata and believes this is clear enough that no other changes are required


Section 2.6, needs more consensus on language, some cautionary language is warranted

Suggestion to describe threats rather than a simple recommendation against the feature

Agreed at minimum to add threat description


Should have a new draft before next call


3. SAML 1.1 token profile


New draft:


Name format convention not a MUST, use entire claim URI as claim name

SHOULD accept in the split format, and encode in that format for claims that are URL

General agreement on approach


5. Other business



Next call is Oct 29th


6. Adjournment



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