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Subject: OpenDocument XML.org: spam prevention and blog aggregation

Quick progress report:

1.  Neil is currently installing the Drupal spam module on OpenDocument
XML.org. It:

* automatically unpublishes posts containing too many URIs. (We've set this for
6, but can change it.)

* automatically unpublishes posts containing too many of the same URI. (We've
set this for 3, but can change it.)

* automatically unpublishes duplicate content (the same content posted more
than twice to the site). 

* automatically blocks users who post two instances of identified spam.
* allows users to mark content as spam (through a link at the bottom of the

* notifies users when their content has been identified as spam (so they can
appeal if there's a mistake).

* notifies site admins of identified spam and provides an easy interface for
restoring. Content identified as spam that isn't restored within two weeks is
automatically deleted.

2. Neil has also experimented with aggregating external blog posts at
http://opendocument.xml.org/remote-blogs. Using the list of bloggers provided
by the Committee, he's configured the system to publish teasers and links to
posts that contain "OpenDocument" or "ODF". Please take a look and send your
comments to the list.


Carol Geyer
Director of Communications
+1.978.667.5115 x209 

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