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Subject: Re: [office-accessibility] ODF TC accessibility summary from meetingearlier today



From your meeting with the TC, what requirements that we have submitted have a very high probability of being accepted as is?


Could you be more explicit as to what you mean for "how to implement caption support." Captions are already provided for in the 1.0 specifications. Are you asking from an accessibility API mapping in the office product, or are you talking about captions in general? Essentially, we need to know what document element the caption is applicable to. Today that is not clear in the markup.



Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
blog: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/dw_blog.jspa?blog=441
Inactive hide details for Peter Korn <Peter.Korn@Sun.COM>Peter Korn <Peter.Korn@Sun.COM>

          Peter Korn <Peter.Korn@Sun.COM>
          Sent by: Peter.Korn@Sun.COM

          06/12/2006 07:50 PM




Lars Oppermann <Lars.Oppermann@Sun.COM>, bruce.darcus@OpenDocument.us


[office-accessibility] ODF TC accessibility summary from meeting earlier today


I attended the ODF TC meeting earlier today.  Roughly the last half of
the meeting was devoted to our 14 page submission.  Most of the TC
hasn't had enough time to review it, as the TC has been focusing on
remaining ISO issues (and specifically a set of comments that may or may
not have officially come from China, and how to verify, validate, and
address those comments).

We have one question thus far, as raised by Bruce D'Arcus on how to
implement caption support.  I believe Dave Pawson & Bruce have had
several exchanges about this, with no final conclusion as of yet.  So,
one action item is for you Bruce & Dave - to draft XML schema to address
the caption requirement (Requirement #6).

Michael Brauer proposed that the TC members review the accessibility
proposal, and submit comments/corrections/suggestions over the next 2
weeks.  After that, the TC would assign somebody(s) to draft a formal
proposal for ODF 1.1, to by out by mid-July.

I asked whether this TC review could occur in 1 week instead of 2, and
the TC agreed to try to do this.  The main concern in doing this in 1
week is that for Requirement #1 (soft page-breaks) we have no XML schema
proposed.  Lars Oppermann agreed to produce draft XML schema for this
(though if anyone on the subcommittee has something they would like to
propose, that'd be welcome I'm sure!).  One question came up (from
Florian Reuter) with this: is there any accessibility requirement for
soft line-breaks?  Dave Pawson - does DAISY usage refer to lines that
things are on, or just pages, paragraphs, sections, and such like?  
Implementing soft line-breaks is not something the TC is eager to do (it
would significantly increase the file size!), but they don't want to
miss anything we feel is important.  So Dave, can I have your thoughts
on this, either via e-mail or in our meeting this coming Thursday?

Finally, we talked about an accessibility guidelines document.  The TC
(and specifically Michael Brauer) suggested that we do this in an
appendix to the ODF specification, and that we use as our model the Bidi
appendix.  Lars will send a link to that appendix for us to look at.  
I'd like us to schedule work on our accessibility guidelines document as
one of the next things our accessibility subcommittee works on.



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